Thursday, April 1, 2010

No excuses

November?! REALLY?!?! Well I never said I was going to be good at this. If I’ve captured attention before, welcome back. If you’re checking out my blog for the first time, thanks (and sign up to follow me).

Well as you know back in September I was laid off I didn’t think much of it then, figuring that within the next month or two I’d get hired somewhere else. I mean I have the degree and the experience, so why not?! Well here I am just a few days shy of my seventh month of unemployment with no real end in sight. But that’s not what this post is about.

You see after enjoying 4 months of V being on maternity leave, the inevitable happened and she went back to work at the end of January. That’s when it became official, I was now a Stay-At-Home-Dad [SAHD] (an acronym that I think is really dumb but it’s easier than typing it out all the time). At that time I was thinking, this will be great and I’ll really be able to get things going with my blog. I’ll post every day about the “daily adventures” AV and I were going to have….well you see how that went. Needless to say, the past two months have flown by and so much has happened over that time.

One of the most exciting things was back in January, when she started to roll over from her back to her belly. It seemed like for the entire month of January, V and I would be watching her and she’d get oh so close to doing it but, her one arm would get in the way. Well one morning (it was actually the second day V had been back at work) I was laying on the floor with her and it looked like she was going to do it so I thought I’d better get the camera so I can tape this for V. I get the camera and of course the battery is about to die. I turn around to plug it into the wall and when I turned back AV was laying on her belly. I couldn’t believe it! I turn away for one second and that’s when she decided to roll over! So for the rest of the afternoon I watched her like a hawk but of course she didn’t roll. Later that day I brought her downstairs to hang out with my FIL and SIL. While I was in the other room on the phone with V I hear a roar of excitement come from the other room. “What was that”? V asked. “It was AV, she just rolled over for the second time and I missed it again. Well at least we both can say we didn’t get to see her roll over for the first time.” I said to her jokingly. So the video that I finally captured of AV rolling over for “the first time” was actually the third time she did it.

Well I could go on and on in this post about the things that we’ve done for the past two months but instead I’ll make the promise to try to keep up with my posts about our adventure from here on out.